Ramon Llull
Ramon Llull (; – possibly 25 March 1315/1316), was a philosopher, theologian, poet, missionary, Christian apologist and former knight from the Kingdom of Majorca.He invented a philosophical system known as the ''Art'', conceived as a type of universal logic to prove the truth of Christian doctrine to interlocutors of all faiths and nationalities. The ''Art'' consists of a set of general principles and combinatorial operations. It is illustrated with diagrams.
A prolific writer, he is also known for his literary works written in Catalan, which he composed to make his ''Art'' accessible to a wider audience. In addition to Catalan and Latin, he also probably wrote in Arabic (although no texts in Arabic survive). His books were translated into Occitan, French, and Castilian during his lifetime.
Although his work did not enjoy huge success during his lifetime, he has had a rich and continuing reception. In the early modern period his name became associated with alchemical works. More recently he has been recognized as a precursor of the modern field of social choice theory, 450 years before Borda and Condorcet's investigations reopened the field. His ideas also prefigured the development of computation theory. Provided by Wikipedia
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Pàgines pedagògiques / Ramon Llull ; edició a cura de Lola Badia i Albert Soler by Llull, Ramon
Published 1992Call Number: Loading…
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Felix de les meravelles del mon / Ramón Lull ; texto original publicado é ilustrado con notas y variantes por Jerónimo Rosselló ; y un proemio bibliográfico por M. Obrador y Bennas... by Llull, Ramon
Published 1903Call Number: Loading…
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Arbre de filosofia d'amor ; Libre de oració ; L. de Deu ; De conexença de Deu ; Del es de Deu / Ramón Lull ; textos originales publicados é ilustrados con notas y variantes por Jer... by Llull, Ramon
Published 1901Call Number: Loading…
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Libre del gentil e los tres savis ; Libre de la primera e segona intencio ; Libre de mil proverbis / Ramón Lull ; textos originales publicados é ilustrados con notas y variantes po... by Llull, Ramon
Published 1901Call Number: Loading…
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Libre apellat Felix de les Marauelles del mon. Vol. I / lo qual llibre feu mestre Ramon Llull de Mallorques ... y ha fet estampar per primera vegada en llengua catalana en Geroni R... by Llull, Ramon
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Libre de Blanquerna, escrit a Montpeller devers lany MCCLXXXIIII / Ramon Lull ; transcripció directa amb facsimils, proemi, mostres d'escriptura i variants dels més vells manuscrit... by Llull, Ramon
Published 1914Call Number: Loading…
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Doctrina pueril ; Libre del orde de cavalleria, seguit d'una antiga versió francesa ; Libre de clerecia ; Art de confessió / Ramon Lull ; transcripció directa ab pròlech, variants... by Llull, Ramon
Published 1906Call Number: Loading…
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Libre de contemplació en Deu, escrit a Mallorca & transladat darabic en romanç vulgar devers lany MCCLXXII / Ramon Lull ; transcripció directa ab facsimils y variants dels més vell... by Llull, Ramon
Published 1914Call Number: Loading…
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